Minggu, 14 Desember 2008

Interview: “The Magic Wand”

Interview: “The Magic Wand”

An interview is in fact a magic wand. As Mr. Fahmi Hatta said that possibility of achievement in one company is coming from 20% of your CV and skill, and 80% of your ability in interview. Interview can get you a new job; change your present boring career into an exciting one, and get you job that pays many times your current salary. Successfully in handling an interview has indeed become a necessity rather than a luxury. However, along with the good points associated with an interview, it has its rough edges as well. It is a place where one's abilities are challenged to the greatest extent and his/her entire personality/attitude evaluated. It tests all your skills and can bring out certain facts about you, which you yourself wouldn't have been aware of! However, with proper practice and effort, you can successfully face an interview. So, we must learn how to face the interview level and achieve in those company.
Now, we will learn from Mr…. about the important points that we need remember while preparing for the interview.
1. Point 1 – The Basics
Interview is a two-way communication process; it’s about giving and receiving information. Further, that communication process includes verbal and non-verbal information. The verbal information is of course what we say and how we say it. The non-verbal information is how we shake hands, how we stand or sit, ho we hold our head, how about our eye-contact, facial expressions, and non-verbal information. It’s important part that many of interviewers pay attention to non-verbal information. Like the story from Mr. Fahmi Hatta, he told to us that bad body odor could make you lost your chance to work in that company. Offer a firm handshake, but avoiding crushing grips or turning of hands is important too. Mostly the interviewers like a firm handshake, because it’s impressed your appreciation about the interview. Mr.Fahmi Hatta also told us to avoid negative body language such as crossing your arms or lounging back in you chair when we face the interview. Maintain regular eye contact with the interviewer, but avoid constant staring as this may unnerve the interviewer. Seek natural occasional breaks in eye contact. So, it’s important to think about the entire communication process, not only what we say.

2. Point 2 – Knowing the company well
Have good knowledge of the company you are going to work for. Most company have websites that contain key information about them. Visit the sites and learn as much as you can. Know key people associated with the company. It is always advantageous to have deep knowledge of the products offered by the company and the current market trend. You also can write a list questions to ask the employer about the company, their products, and market. Think of a few suggestions that you feel can improve the product. This is a very likely question and you surely won't have time and patience to sit and think over it at the interview table. Please don't criticize the products of the company or the present management techniques used by them. No company wants to hire rebels!
3. Point 3 – Prepare yourselves for the question
In interview, you must prepare yourselves for some important question like: “Why do you want to work for this company and not Company X, which is doing much better right now?'” or another question like: “How about your salary?” You can prepare suitable answers of this commonly asked question based upon your own views and convictions.
Over all, the most important thing is self confidence. Confidence is the most important factor you mush have while preparing as well as facing an interview, be positive throughout. Instead of getting tensed and excited about the interview, stay cool and prepare patiently for the interview with the firm belief that you can successfully handle the interview. Firms are on the lookout for candidates who are confident (not over-confident, of course!) and can handle a task assigned to them with confidence. Your knowledge in that field of business, however strong it may be, won't be of any help if you aren't confident. As Mr.Fahmi Hatta said that we must set a high value of your self, so other people will respect you.
If you have prepared all those things, it means that you’ve got your magic wand and let’s see that the interviewer will amaze to talk with you. Wish you all the best for successfully preparing for and attending an interview!

Jesus Loves us

Apa Kau marah kepadaku ?
Apa Kau bosan dengan semua keluh kesahku ?
Apa Kau jutex dengan segala sikapku akhir2 ini ?
Apa Kau tak mau lagi aku datang kepadaMu ?
Apa Kau sudah muak dengan semua tingkah lakuku ?
Apa benar Kau juga yang tak menginginkan aku ambil bagian dalam perjamuan
kudus pagi ini ?
Benarkan Engkau itu Tuhan ?
Tuhan..., kalau Kau memang tidak suka dengan semua sikapku akhir2 ini,
maafkan aku...
Kalau memang Kau pandang semua itu salah, dan
apa yang kupikirkan/kurasakan itu tak berkenan padaMu,
maafkan aku...
Apakah aku yang tidak tahu mengucap syukur kepadaMu ?
Apakah aKu yang tidak pernah menghitung berkat2Mu dalam hari2ku ?
Apakah aku yang tak merasakan kasih dan penyertaanMu sepanjang hidupku ?
Apakah aku yang tidak tahu bersyukur dan berterima kasih tuk apa yang sudah
Kau beri buat hidupku Tuhan ?
Kalau memang selama ini Kau pandang aku ini salah, salah, dan salah...
APabila selama ini Kau kecewa, kecewa, dan kecewa...
Maaf..., maaf..., maafkan aku...
Saat ini Tuhan, aku mau mengatakannya kepadaMu
"Terima kasih Tuhan tuk berkat dan penyertaanMu sepanjang hidupku selama ini"
Thx Lord Jesus...
I give U my heart...
I give U my life...
I belive in U Lord..., my hope and my strength...
TQ Lord... ^^
Good nite..!!
"Kasihilah Tuhan, Allahmu dengan segenap hatimu dan dengan segenap jiwamu dan dengan segenap akal budimu. Itulah hukum yang terutama dan yang pertama. Dan hukum yang kedua, yang sama dengan yang itu, ialah: Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri." MATIUS 22 : 37b


Choosing the right way to go into business

“What will we do after we’ve graduate from university? Do you want to be a worker or make some work called business?” This question was asked by Mr.Burang Riyadi to know about our planning in the future. This week, we learned about franchise and how to make a franchise. If you want to become an entrepreneur there are some ways to do. Entrepreneur” is a term we hear a lot when someone decides to go into business. But what is an entrepreneur? One tongue-in-cheek definition is "a person who will work 16 hours a day to keep from working eight hours for someone else." There are three main ways to get into business: purchase a franchise, buy an existing business or start from scratch. Each has its pros and cons.

Purchase a Franchise
When buying a franchise, what do you get from the franchiser? This is obvious with the well-known ones, such as the fast food chains. They usually offer extensive training, advertising and ongoing management assistance. The disadvantage is the cost of purchasing this type of franchise. But if you are not getting this type of extensive help, can you justify the fee for the lesser-known franchiser that provides little or no assistance? Is it really worth the price? Adding tens of thousands of dollars expense and perhaps a percentage of ongoing sales may make the venture more difficult to finance and achieve a desirable cash flow.
Purchasing an existing business
Many times the asking price for a business is greater than the actual value of the assets being purchased. This makes financing more difficult because there are not enough tangible assets to secure the loan. Additional secured assets may be required if this is the case. Another obstacle is when the income shown for the business from tax returns and/or financial statements is not large enough to show the ability to repay the loan. A possible advantage of buying an existing business is the name recognition may contribute to the success of the business. Be sure the business has a good reputation. Always learn why the seller wants to sell the business, especially if the business has been successful. Also secure a non-compete agreement from the seller. Another area to look closely at is the inventory of the business you are buying. Don't get stuck with obsolete or slow-moving inventory.
Starting from scratch
The advantage of starting a new business is that most of the time you do not have problems with reputation that the franchise business or existing business may have developed. The disadvantage may be the financing. Normally, lenders are unsure of a new business that has no track record. This can be overcome with help from friends and family and using more of your personal assets to secure the loan. Business startups that are considered to be unusual are more difficult to finance than more established types of businesses. You may have heard that grants and special financing are available for entrepreneurs—especially for minorities. You will be disappointed to learn that isn't necessarily so, except in rare cases. If you want to go into business for yourself, be sure to look at the numbers first. Will sufficient cash flow be easily achieved or will it be difficult? Just as important, will the business provide the desired return on your investment? Going into business for yourself is a gamble. But weigh what you have to gain against what you have to lose.
So it depends on you, what you will do to become an entrepreneur. Do you want to starting from scratch, buying a business or join in franchise? Maybe many people often asked why anyone should buy a franchise. You have to pay fees for a license, attend training courses, sign an agreement the length of a small novel and then start a business that doesn't even have your own name on it. For many people, this seems all too complicated for what are essentially ephemeral advantages. Sure, you could be getting the "secret recipe" or the inside look at a new and exciting product line, but on the whole franchising lives in the day-to-day world of business. If you are beginner in business, I think it’s better to join some franchise. Like Mr.Burang said that joining some franchise is more safety than another choice. Because in franchise, you will get the success tips from your franchisor, transfer knowledge, business strategy, training, and another experience from your franchisor, so you must not start from nol.
A good franchise company can help you through the issues that are important, teach you the core business principles and assist you along the way. Can you do it yourself? The answer is obviously yes. Millions have and this continent was built on their efforts. The point that has to be made, however, is that for every person, who succeeded on his/her own, many have not. The franchise company should offer you brand-name recognition in the marketplace. This is done through the continual promotion of the company and its products through various media opportunities. By developing a brand name in every area, a major asset is created. When people think of your company when they are thinking of a product or service, you have a huge advantage in the marketplace. This responsibility is jointly shared between the franchisee and the franchiser. The franchisee is needed to promote the name locally, while the franchiser promotes the name nationally.


2:16am@kamar loly -
masih belajar TQM...
habis dari tadi siang berleha2, and waktu jadi kebuang banyak...
hmm,,, that's the risk...

Selasa, 23 September 2008

kEEp hOLDinG oN

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

jUST tHinKing

show ur feeling itu bener2 sulit...
mengatakan apa yang ada di dalam hati, apa yang dirasakan, apa yang ada di pikiran sulit banget...
hmmm,,,membuat orang mengerti dengan apa yang kau pikirkan, apa yang kau rasakan juga menjadi hal yang cukup sulit bagiku...
berarti artinya aku ga komunikatif???
hmmm,,, jujur aja, bisa dibilang begitu...
sulit ngungkapin apa yang dipikiran...
'cause i'm not so good in words buat ngungkapin semuanya ke orang2..
pengen banget punya alat yang bisa membuat ku dengan nyentuh orang itu aja dia bisa ngerti apa yang ada dipikiran dan apa yang aku rasain,,,
kata orang2 aku emang kelihatannya simple, tapi sebenarnya di kalo diperhatikan lebih dekat lagi aku cukup rumit buat dimengerti,,,
(padahal menurutku aku orangnya cukup simple lho...^^)
but i'll try to communicate that...
tell them what's on my mind...



hmm,,,hari ni cukup sangat mengejutkan...
ga tau kenapa ada orang2 yang di luar dugaan hari ini..
hmmm, ga terlalu mikir gimana2 ternyata apipa q memberikan sesuatu buat hadiah ulang taon,not about the present tapi perhatian mereka...hmmm ternyata menyenangkan juga ya ngerasain sedikit rasa diperhatikan,ga hanya memperhatikan orang...hoohohoho....
hmmm senang aja bisa lebih dekat ke mereka berhubung akan bersama-sama dengan mereka satu taon kedepan jadi cukup terharu,,,,xp
thanx for u alll....
trus sorenya juga dikerjain ama akk...
setelah mereka menelpon dan mengatakan secara semena2 untuk membatalkan KK,wuaaaa...aku langsung mencak2...
padahal minggu lalu dah janji..
dan mereka sangat pintar...

jam tiga lewat sedikit, naeklah aku ke puncak gunung eh maksudny di sekret tercinta itu yang tingginya menjulang nyata atas bukit kala (eh kok kek lagu,,,,^^). daku pun menunggu ampe jam setengah 4 dan ank2 itu belom pada muncul...
ya,,,aku menunggu saja,,,
udah ampe jam 4 kurang, mereka belom muncul satupun,,
"wahhh,apa mrk lupa ya.." pikirku
jadi aku telp mereka semua..
and u know what, tak ada satupun yang mengangkat...
ya sudah, kutunggu beberapa menit lagi.
karena udah kelamaan aku tlp lah mereka
oknum 1:
"aduh kak,,,maaf aku ama a**** dah dibikun mw pulang, kita belom persiapan.trus diminta mama harus pulang cepat.maaf ya kak...". mendengar itu aku hanya bisa bilang.."gitu ya... ya udah deh.."
oknum 2:
"aduh kak,,,maaf aku lagi dikostan..mau ngerjain tugas. soalnya belom kelar.." katanya. aku pun bertanya "lha kita kan dah janji jam segini, kok dibatalin tiba2...".dia pun menjawab "iya kak, tapi tugasnya banyak"."ya, udah klo gt aku ga mau tau, kamis ini harus ada diantara kalian ber5 yang mimpin kk kita.pokonya bukan aku, kalian rembukkan bareng2.OK!"...
oknum 3 :
"kak, gw lagi on the way..." lima belas menit kemudian .."l*** di mana? kok ga nyampe2.. emang sekret 100 lantai..".."iya kak, ni lagi naek.."
ya, 5 menit kemudian muncullah si oknum 3 ini sambil cengengesan, dengan muka innocent bertanya "jadi gimana ni kak.."...
kontan langsung ngomel2 ama si oknum 3 ini...
tapi tiba2 datanglah si oknum2 laennya dengan menyodorkan kue ulang taon without lilin...
"happy b'day to u, happy b'day to u,..."begitulah mereka bernyanyi...
dasar mereka itu..
tapi seneng banget n bener2 suprise juga seh,,,
thanx dah for u all...